HOME BRIGHT Precision Manufacturing Inc. is a private company, located in Taiwan. The company was founded in 1989 and did business under the name, HOME BRIGHT ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. We are an ISO 9001 : 2015 certified company and a leader in the precision machined parts industry, HOME BRIGHT Precision Manufacturing has maintained a reputation for manufacturing screw machined products at competitive prices and on time delivery.

OEMs can save time and money.

The greatest asset of any company is its people and HOME BRIGHT Precision Manufacturing has the best in the business for a very long time. Collectively, our management team has accumulated more than 40 years of experience in the precision machined parts industry and our average length of service by our highly skilled labor force is in excess of 20 years. The commitment and passion our employees exhibit every day has allowed HOME BRIGHT Precision Manufacturing to hone its production, supply chain and quality management processes in order to consistently deliver the highest quality precision machined parts in the industry.

We Are A Leader In Precision Mechanical & Industries